Welcome to Your Travel Spirit!

Tailored Itineraries, Comprehensive Guides,
Travel-Consulting and Inspiration

Specializing in:
• Unforgettable Northern Journeys in Alaska & More
• Hidden Gems & Slow Travel in the Netherlands & Beyond
• Stress-Free Autism-Friendly Travel

Adventure Awaits 9

Welcome to Your Travel Spirit!

Tailored Itineraries, Comprehensive Guides,
Travel-Consulting and Inspiration

Specializing in:
• Unforgettable Northern Journeys in Alaska & More
• Hidden Gems & Slow Travel in the Netherlands & Beyond
• Stress-Free Autism-Friendly Travel

Adventure Awaits 9

Welcome to Your Travel Spirit!

Tailored Itineraries, Comprehensive Guides,
Travel-Consulting and Inspiration

Specializing in:
• Unforgettable Northern Journeys in Alaska & Beyond
• Hidden Gems & Slow Travel in the Netherlands
• Stress-Free Autism-Friendly Travel

Plan A Perfect Trip

Plan a perfect trip!

Kodiak bear catching salmon

Welcome to Your Travel Spirit!

Tailored Itineraries, Comprehensive Guides,
Travel-Consulting and Inspiration

Specializing in:
• Unforgettable Northern Journeys in Alaska & Beyond
• Hidden Gems & Slow Travel in the Netherlands
• Stress-Free Autism-Friendly Travel

Adventure Awaits 6


Tailored Itineraries, Comprehensive Guides,
Travel-Consulting and Inspiration

Specializing in:
• Unforgettable Northern Journeys in Alaska & Beyond
• Hidden Gems & Slow Travel in the Netherlands
• Stress-Free Autism-Friendly Travel

Welcome to Your Travel Spirit!


We believe that travel should be a unique experience, offering more than just the usual tourist spots. We focus on slow-traveling, uncovering hidden gems, and exploring lesser-known destinations away from the crowds. We are here to inspire and help you plan a perfect trip by providing detailed itineraries, practical tips, honest reviews, and genuine information from our experience.

Kodiak Bears
Turnagain Arm at low tide

As a family with two autistic children, we have gained valuable insights into the specific needs of travelers on the spectrum. We aim to provide guidance, support, and inspiration for autism families and individuals ready to embark on incredible journeys.

What Would You Like To Explore?

Living in the Netherlands, we constantly travel in our beautiful country and the nearby regions.

For trips farther away, we’re particularly drawn to Northern destinations, with Alaska being our favorite place.

As a family with autistic children, we also gained a unique understanding of the specific needs and concerns of travel with autism.

Our Main Topics

What Would You Like To Explore?

The Netherlands Open Air Museum Arnhem


Off the Beaten Path, Slow Travel: Discover Hidden Gems in the Netherlands & Beyond like a Local!

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Margerie Glacier, Glacier Bay


Discover the Magic of the North & Plan Your Dream Northern Escape!

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Travel With Autism

Find Stress-Free Travel Tips, Detailed Itineraries & Inspiration. Plan a Great Autism-Friendly Vacation!

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Living in the Netherlands, we constantly travel in our beautiful country and the nearby regions.

For trips farther away, we’re particularly drawn to Northern destinations, with Alaska being our favorite place.

Our extensive traveling experience as a family with two autistic children has given us a distinct awareness of the specific requirements and support needed for autistic travelers.


Looking for Ideas for Your Next Trip?

Our Top Destinations

Living in the Netherlands, we love traveling in our beautiful country and the nearby regions. For trips farther away, we’re particularly drawn to Northern destinations, with Alaska being our favorite place.

Get Inspired with epic road trips, majestic scenery and wildlife encounters.

Discover hidden gems, off-the-beaten-path places, quaint old towns, and overlooked destinations in Western Europe.

Find family-friendly destination ideas for families who prefer a more relaxed pace of travel.

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Springtime in the Netherlands

Spring in the Netherlands is a magnificent season with colorful, blooming flowers everywhere. The mild weather allows for outdoor activities and serene canal-side walks. It's also a time for festivals that showcase Dutch culture and traditions, adding to the lively atmosphere.

What Is Your Travel Spirit About?

Welcome to Your Travel Spirit!


We believe that travel should be a unique experience, offering more than just the usual tourist spots. We focus on slow-traveling, uncovering hidden gems, and exploring lesser-known destinations away from the crowds. We are here to inspire and help you plan a perfect trip by providing detailed itineraries, practical tips, honest reviews, and genuine information from our experience.

whales02 uai
Turnagain Arm at low tide

As a family with two autistic children, we have gained valuable insights into the specific needs of travelers on the spectrum. We aim to provide guidance, support, and inspiration for autism families and individuals ready to embark on incredible journeys.


Tailored Itineraries, Comprehensive Guides,
Travel-Consulting and Inspiration

Specializing in:
• Unforgettable Northern Journeys in Alaska & Beyond
• Hidden Gems & Slow Travel in the Netherlands
• Stress-Free Autism-Friendly Travel

Welcome to Your Travel Spirit!

Tailored Itineraries, Comprehensive Guides,
Travel-Consulting and Inspiration

Specializing in:
• Unforgettable Northern Journeys in Alaska & Beyond
• Hidden Gems & Slow Travel in the Netherlands
• Stress-Free Autism-Friendly Travel